Choose the plan that's right for you
Pay once, use forever
No subscription, no hidden fees, no surprises. You pay once and use the product forever.
You're missing these features on the Launch plan
Zapier integration
Webhook integration
Send emails using your website domain
Submit forms using AJAX or Fetch method
Tracking code like Google Ads Conversion or Analytics in success page
Hide LaunchList logo on success page
Team Access
Quick priority support
If this doesn't answer your questions, please .
You'll continue to receive signups, but they will be hidden by default and you won't be able to see them until you increase your usage limits.
Yes, you can add more users as you need at any time.
No, this plan is only for one waitlist project. If you have multiple waitlist projects, you'll need to purchase a separate plan for each project.
If your waitlist doesn't receive any signups within 7 days. We'll refund 100% of your payment.
No, this is a one-time payment. You will be only be charged one time for lifetime access.
We process payments with Stripe. Visa, Google Pay, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, and Discover are accepted.