Choose the plan that's right for you

Pay once, use forever

No subscription, no hidden fees, no surprises. You pay once and use the product forever.

How many users do you expect to signup?


Up to 100 submissions

Key features

Embed form builder

Custom forms

Referral management

Export submission

Basic analytics

New signup notification by email

Fraud detection

Email validation

Chat support


Up to 500 submissions

Everything in Free, plus

Email verification

Send welcome email

Slack notification

Inflate ranking position

Position to move

Set rewards & milestones

Customize thank you page

Language translation

ReCaptcha support

Most Bought


Up to 10K submissions

Everything in Launch, plus

Unlimited Team members

Webhook integration

Zapier integration

Send email from your domain

Submit via AJAX

Track conversion

Remove LaunchList branding

Priority chat support

Custom pricing

Over 100K submissions

Everything in Grow, plus

10K free email validation credits

Dedicated manager

Account management

Step by step onboarding support

Access to beta features

Custom integrations


If this doesn't answer your questions, please .

What happens if I don't increase the user limits?

You'll continue to receive signups, but they will be hidden by default and you won't be able to see them until you increase your usage limits.

Can I buy more users after I've already paid?

Yes, you can add more users as you need at any time.

Can I use this plan on multiple waitlist projects?

No, this plan is only for one waitlist project. If you have multiple waitlist projects, you'll need to purchase a separate plan for each project.

What is your refund policy?

If your waitlist doesn't receive any signups within 7 days. We'll refund 100% of your payment.

Will I be charged every month?

No, this is a one-time payment. You will be only be charged one time for lifetime access.

What type of payments do you accept?

We process payments with Stripe. Visa, Google Pay, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, and Discover are accepted.

Ready to grow your idea?

Integrate waitlist form on your website in just 5 minutes

Integrate waitlist
Free for first 100 submissions
No credit card required
Lifetime access
Live chat support